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16" Unpainted Vinyl Tummy/Belly Plates - by Cradle

Belly Plate B
Discontinued - Only 2 Left
16" Unpainted Vinyl Preemie Tummy Plate
This is a great addition to your 16" Preemie Reborn Babies.

16" Preemie Unpainted Vinyl Tummy/Belly Plate by Cradle

Small Preemie Belly Plate fits 16" Babies.

This is a great addition to your Reborn Babies

See Belly Clamps

Instructions on baking the belly plate when using Heat Set Paints
When you are ready to bake the tummyplate, it is of vital importance that you bake the tummy in it’s original shape.

So do not fold it or let it rest on the oven bottom.

As heating the vinyl will make it soft, it needs good support to prevent tearing:
Just put a towel or cloth underneath in the shape of the tummy and again, make sure the plate is not bent or folded.

When baked in it’s original shape all will be fine and the vinyl could be baked numerous times.

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